Παρασκευή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

ALPHA by Rachel Vincent Shifters series book 6

And finally we reached the end of Faythe's journey. No, she doesn't die! She is finally where her father prepared her to be. An alpha.
But not a lot are happy about that and with first oportunity she is chalenged for the leadership.
Now she must make a lot of desitions. Can she really be an alpha? Can she lead all those who believe in her? Can she win the war that is going to start? And after all that, can she choose who she loves more and who she can't live without? If she lives to see another day and take what is rightfully hers.
The end of the series leaves us with a bittersweet taste. Happy end but after suffering a lot of losses.
Now for those who will desperatelly miss the series... fear not! Rachel Vincent has other series you will enjoy also!
Will be read!

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