Πέμπτη 24 Απριλίου 2014


So after reading the first book of The Mediator series by Meg Cabot, I had to read the rest of the series. Second book is Ninth Key, third is Reunion, forth is Darkest hour, fifth is Haunted and sixth is Twilight. As I said the series follows Suzannah, who is a mediator. Meaning? She can see ghosts.And not only see but touch also.And her "job" is to help them pass on and go to whatever it is after dead you are suppose to go. And after going to leave with her mother and her new step-dad and step-brothers, she finds out that a ghost lives in her new room. A very hundsome ghost may I say!! As the series goes, Suze meets a lot of ghosts and a lot of people who help her understand more about what she really is and what she really can do. But she also finds herself falling for the only boy that she should not. Her ghost roomate. Follow her in the series and find out just how dangerous is her "gift". But how helpful in the end!!Find the series in amazon in paperback and kindle edition and also in Greece in public bookstores!

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